Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Electric Tales

This is the initial draft or what writers may call “the preamble” as at now am in a village or what Burkina-be will call a town surname sabce, truly this is a crazy experience for me, the people are warm, but closed; in time you will understand what I mean by warm & closed. Burkina faso is the 4th country, I have so-journeyed in, beautiful people, beautiful hearts, beautiful smiles, young and untapped minds, scared of the wild, more of a fixed mindset than a global or growth mindset; scared to challenge the status quo, don’t forget the beautiful and peaceful aspects of this nation, a unique country bordered by 6 other countries, am still here so ama keep this tab open, am sure I won’t lack more exciting info to blow your mind. (this piece maybe referred as structural or objective or people focused, however you consider this, just enjoy). In 2010, last week of march to be exact i tried for Cameron, I don’t know how to let you into that part of my mind, with out looking like a complete douche and racist, so lets not use words like bad or hate or experience, lets just say am yet to have a fill of tis country filled with awesome, determined and muscular people (yea that would be this October); maybe after visiting and attending on of the most dynamic and powerful networking conference organised and hosted by AIESEC West Africa and AIESEC in cameroun respectively.

Niger Republic would be next, for sure a charming country, if I allow childhood perception have its way, I may never shake hands with a Nigerien; thank God for Media, if there plan is to scare people like me from countries like Niger, they probably need to up there game or work harder, of course Niger is among the first 5 countries I want to re-visit, they are warm and ready to be your host; they are not terrorist or victims or war or genocide, they don’t to convert you to a Muslim, they are cool and they are not boko haram.  I remember that evening, when I sat and admired the pragmatic approach they applied for living purposes, the aura of hope that never seized soothening the ultra-violent  rays of the sun; looking into their eyes, you can’t help but behold the glittering smile more expensive than rubis or choice silver, those you find on a swiss banks’ vault; that evening I made a resolve to sleep a night or more in every African countries; before am 30. 
This is what happens to you when you visit Niger Republic with an open mind and no stereotypes. I have to tell you, I never liked Ghana, cant exactly say why; maybe because of the stories we were told of how Ghanaians flooded my origin country, taking and giving cheap labour, which translated to a massive decline in jobs for my fellow countrymen, it was a pretty big mess and they were forced out of my country, sad tale huh? Also maybe its because of the fact that Ghana remains a big competition to us, first in soccer, now in everything except politics, ignorance & music. 

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